All About Seeds

Seeds are taking over! With health and wellness trends top of mind these days, if you peruse the aisles of a grocery store, you’re bound to notice seeds of all sorts in a variety of products. Flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and sesame seeds have all seen substantial growth in both foodservice and retail. Often touted as a good source of fiber or protein, it’s no surprise that the inclusion of seeds in everyday food products has attracted customers looking for foods with function and potential health benefits.

AdobeStock 133569760At first, seeds were trending primarily as a snack in and of itself, with seasoned sunflower and pumpkin seed products seeing a major boost. The rise of “better-for-you” snacking has led to rapid growth in non-potato chip snack categories, especially those that are perceived to be lighter and healthier, like ready-to-eat popcorn and veggie straws. In the past couple of years, among the fastest growing segments in the salty snack category, however, has been seeds and nuts.

AdobeStock 187906185Now, seeds are rapidly expanding into other categories as an inclusion in food products. Given their versatility – seeds can be included in products that are sweet or savory, spicy or sour, indulgent or simple – it’s pretty easy to find a place for them in a wide range of products. Breakfast items, like granola bars and protein shakes, are now featuring chia, while flaxseed has been finding a home in the cracker and salad dressing categories. The innovation with seeds doesn’t stop there, though; we expect to see seeds continue to grow across categories, especially as health and wellness concerns continue to grow more widespread.

AdobeStock 216761303What’s next for seeds? Think a Matcha & Mixed Seed blend for fish, or a Pumpkin Spice Pumpkin Seed topping for baked goods. A Shichimi Togarashi with black and white sesame seeds in jerky or on crackers.

At Fuchs North America, not only can we season seeds, but we can make seasonings with seeds. Our marketing trend experts and skilled R&D team can help you develop the perfect seed and seasoning blend for your products. Contact us today to learn more!


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