Catering to Convenience Cooking

When it comes to cooking at home, consumers are all about cutting corners. From busy work schedules to cluttered social calendars, consumers are becoming increasingly pressed for time, forcing them to make difficult decisions about where they can save themselves even just a few minutes here and there throughout the day. As a result, many consumers have been finding themselves moving away from cooking complete meals at home multiple times a week. Instead, they’ve been gravitating towards simple meals with fewer ingredients, limited prep time, and minimal cleanup.

Amidst ongoing economic uncertainty, cooking at home is becoming a necessity for many consumers, and convenience cooking allows them to not just save time, but also money. Although consumers have been looking to cook fewer and less complex meals at home, they haven’t been willing to sacrifice taste. This presents a major opportunity for brands who are looking to appeal to time conscious – and budget conscious – consumers. Keep reading for our experts’ insights into how retail brands can get in on the convenience cooking trend.

Creative Cooking Solutions

Take the guesswork out of consumers’ mealtime plans by showing consumers how new and existing products can save them time in the kitchen. According to Mintel, consumers have been turning to AI to help them save time on meal planning. Brands should take this as a sign that consumers do not have the time or energy to thoughtfully plan out their shopping lists and weekly menus.

The key to catering to consumers’ preferences around convenience, therefore, is doing the work for them. Showcasing how a shelf-stable pasta or rice product can be customized with additional ingredients for a fast and affordable meal, for example, will not just save consumers time during the cooking process but also the planning process. Positioning products as solutions to consumers’ time and budget constraints demonstrates that a brand understands the challenges that consumers are facing, which consumers will appreciate – and reward.

Although meal kits from online services have taken a hit amidst inflation, consumers are still enamored by the idea of having some of the prep work done for them – and still ending up with a delicious meal. From shelf stable and frozen meal kits to pre-marinated proteins and pre-mixed seasoning blends, brands should consider introducing products that can remove a step or two from the cooking process to save consumers time.

Finding Flavor Innovation Inspiration

For the longest time, consumers relied on foodservice to introduce them to new flavors and dishes. During the pandemic, when time was more plentiful, consumers turned to their own kitchens to explore different cuisines and flavors. Now, time is not so plentiful, and many consumers are cutting back on eating at restaurants to save money. That means they are looking for creative solutions to shake up mealtime in fast and convenient ways. Brands of all types have the opportunity to bring trendy, foodservice inspired flavors to their products to make mealtime both more exciting and more convenient for consumers.

Condiments, for example, are an easy and affordable way for consumers to experiment with flavors. Better yet, condiments tend to be versatile, with many potential uses. Brands should consider emphasizing the ways in which their products can help consumers decrease their effort at mealtime, while also expand their horizons. Get inspired by the latest foodservice trends to give consumers ways of making innovative, yet time and budget savvy meals at home.

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