Regulatory Hot Topics – August 2019 Edition

Posted by Ashley Brooks on 8/28/19

What’s going on in the ever-changing world of regulatory? Our resident regulatory guru, Ashley Brooks, is here to help! Here are some of the most pressing hot topics in regulatory that food companies should be paying attention to.

Illinois Mandates Sesame Labeling

On July 26, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed House Bill 2123 into law, which requires that food products must label sesame as an ingredient. This requirement was effective upon becoming law.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authority over allergy labeling determinations and currently only requires labeling of the “big eight”.  The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) sent a letter to the FDA urging them to engage with the State of Illinois as they believe the law is preempted by federal law and should be struck down.

The FDA began asking for input last October about making sesame the ninth major allergen.

California Bans Chlorpyrifos

On August 14, California officials announced their decision to ban chlorpyrifos, a widely used pesticide. This is the first time the state has banned a pesticide outright.

The European Food Safety Authority has found that no safe level can be set for the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which was slated to be banned by the EPA but reversed by the Trump Administration.

Hawaii has already banned chlorpyrifos and New York lawmakers recently sent a bill to its governor outlawing its use. Meanwhile, several states and NGOs sued the EPA for failing to ban the chemical.

Fuchs Renews Organic Certification

On August 1st, we began the annual process of renewing our organic certification as required by NOP Subpart E §§205.400 and 205.406. Per NOP §205.404(c), an operation’s certification does not expire and continues in effect until surrendered by the operation or is suspended or revoked.

Our main production facility is organic certified under Quality Assurance International (QAI) for processing organic ingredients in compliance with the USDA’s National Organic Standards.

We are also proud to be a member of the Organic Trade Association.

Need help navigating regulatory requirements? Reach out to Ashley at [email protected].

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