New! Introducing Tasty Toppers: The Untoppable Collection

We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched our newest collection, Tasty Toppers: The Untoppable Collection! This innovative line of seasonings puts the perfect finishing touch on a variety of dishes. This seasoning collection introduces craveable flavors and textures that elevate popular food products and deliver unique sensory experiences. Each seasoning blend in our new collection highlights up-and-coming trends, while also demonstrating the immense versatility of toppers.

Consumers are on the hunt for innovative products, placing a great deal of value on brands that offer new ways for them to experience the latest trends. From new textures and sensory experiences to on-trend flavors, toppers are an out-of-the-box way to give these consumers what they want.

Our new collection delivers exactly the kinds of sensory and flavor experiences that consumers are looking for. Not only that, but toppers are an efficient way for brands to shake up their existing product offerings. Through our new collection, we highlight how versatile toppers can be and how brands can use them to take current products to new heights.

Keep reading to learn more about each of the exciting seasonings in the Tasty Toppers Collection.

Something for Salads

It’s time to move beyond basic salads. Health-conscious consumers want more from their salads – more flavor, more texture, more variety, and more protein. Our Taco Flavored Soy Protein Salad Topper delivers on all of the above, checking all of the right boxes for salad consumers. Not only does it bring a zesty south-of-the-border inspired flavor to salads, but it also leans into the plant-based protein trend, which has dominated health and wellness trends.

Shaking Up Shakes

Shakes should be anything but boring! Our Chocolate Chip Shake Topper ups the indulgence factor for any shake. Add it to a banana protein shake to let consumers treat themselves or shake it on a cookies and cream shake for an extra indulgent dessert. With incredible versatility and endless possibilities, the sky’s the limit with this topper!

Deliciousness for Dairy

Featuring a trendy tropical flavor and delightful texture, this next seasoning adds the perfect finishing touch to yogurt and other dairy products. Our Tropical Furikake Yogurt Seasoning delivers craveable flavor and a unique sensory experience that is sure to be a hit with consumers.

Hungry yet? Click here to request samples of our new Tasty Toppers Collection.

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