What Makes a Food Item Go Viral on Social Media?

Consumers want to share various facets of their lives on social media – and their food is no exception. As a result, some of the most influential food trends of the past few years have started on social media. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram have given new products and recipes a great deal of exposure with consumers. For that reason, it’s important for brands to innovate in ways that make their products social media shareworthy. Social media shares and going viral translate to sales. Here’s what it takes for products and food items to go viral on social media.

Novelty is Key

A wealth of research into consumer psychology and the social sciences has demonstrated that novelty is essential for anything to go viral on social media. The more novel a food item is, the more likely it is to go viral. This makes innovation especially important. From new bases to exceptionally exotic flavors, thinking outside of the box is key for gaining traction on social media. There are numerous ways to be novel, so the possibilities here are endless. What’s important is to know your audience and to think beyond what’s already been done before. Begin by leaning into the latest trends – like the new obsession with unique textures and sensory experiences – and take them a few steps further to introduce something completely new and different.

Emphasis on Emotions

Research has shown that when something makes consumers feel happy or joyful, they’re more likely to share it on social media. Therefore, food products that make consumers experience positive emotions are sure to be a hit. How do you create products that make people happy? There are a lot of options here too.

First of all, color has been linked to emotional responses. Using bright, vibrant colors in products or on their packaging is one way to not only grab consumers’ attention but also signal that these products can help them experience joy. Nostalgia is another way to appeal to consumers’ emotions, especially given how much stress consumers are experiencing on the daily. Products that remind them of happy, simpler times are sure to spark some happiness and joy.

Appearance is Everything

Social media is all about the visuals! For that reason, many of the viral food trends of recent years have involved products that are particularly visually appealing and eye-catching. Charcoal-infused foods, for example, went viral a few years ago, due in part to their unique and surprising appearance. More recently, brightly colored foods have been in demand, as they look especially good on the ‘gram.

When it comes to social media, posts that stand out are the ones that are going to grab viewers’ attention, meaning that influencers are always looking out for products that are anything but ordinary in terms of appearance. This presents opportunities for brands to innovate with color and the visual appearance of products.

Looking to come up with the next viral social media food product? Our experts can help you innovate with flavor, color, texture, and more to deliver products that are sure to stand out. Contact us today to get started!

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